Assembling & Sharing the Dashboard


Scott Moore

Before today’s class

  1. Download file from at
  2. Make a folder week4 in your class folder.
  3. After extracting the files from the ZIP file, drag them to the week4 folder.


Today’s class

  1. Assembling the dashboard


  1. Sharing the dashboard
  2. Question & Answer time

We are simply working through beginning with the file containing the graphs we were working on last week.

Assembling the dashboard

Dashboard Project Document (review)

  • Who use
  • Why need
  • What metrics
  • How use
  • When
  • What is success?
  • Charts
    • Sketch of the charts
    • Limit the information
  • Dashboard design
    • Structure
    • Interactions & filters
  • Also: Colors

Dashboard Build process

  1. Draw the container structure
  2. Create the dashboard object
  3. Build the container structure
  4. Add content
  5. Format the dashboard
  6. Format the floating container

Going through the Dashboard Building process

0) Open Tableau

  1. Open up Tableau Desktop
  2. Connect to a File ->
    More... ->
    Tableau Workbooks ->
  3. Click Open

1) Draw the container structure

2) Create the dashboard object

  1. Click the New Dashboard tab
  2. Rename it to “Test Dashboard”
  3. Set Dashboard Size to Automatic

3) Build the container structure

  1. Drag a Vertical/Tiled container
    • Name it “Main Vert”
  2. Drag a Horizontal/Tiled container within it (“Title Horiz”)
  3. Drag a Text within it (“Test Dashboard”, Tableau Bold 20)
    • The size of “Title Horiz” should be small
  4. Drag a Horiz/Tiled container within “Main Vert” (“Btm Chart Horiz”)
    • Drag “GPA by Year by Pell” into it
    • Drag “Matriculants by Race by State” to the right of the other graph
  5. Drag a Horiz/Tiled container within “Main Vert” (“Top Single Horiz”)
    • Drag “Univ GPA vs HS GPA” into it
  6. Drag to resize for now

4) Add content


5) Format the dashboard

  1. Distribute the content of “Btm Chart Horiz”
  2. Add spaces around charts
    • Inner Padding: 7
    • Outer Padding: 10
  3. Add missed filters
    • “AP Course Level”
    • “Income Level”

6.1) Format floating container

  1. Drag “Gender” to top
    • Apply to All Using this Data Source
  2. Remove duplicate Gender filters
  3. Drag “Minimum Year” below Gender
  4. Drag “Text” right below Gender (“Univ vs HS”; Tableau Bold 12, Dark Blue)
  5. Drag “Text” right below that (“All charts”; Tableau Bold 12, Dark Blue)
  6. Drag “Text” below that (“GPA by Year”; Tableau Bold 12, Dark Blue)
  7. Drag “Text” below that (“Matriculants”; Tableau Bold 12, Dark Blue)
  8. Put all in order

6.2) Format floating container

  1. Select the Vertical container with legends and filters
    • Name it “Floating”
    • Convert it to Floating
    • Give it a White background and Black border
    • Drag the bottom so that it is big enough to show everything
  2. Add Show/Hide button
    • Drag it to appropriate position
  3. Save file
  4. Go into “Presentation Mode”
    • Play with Show/Hide button

Share the dashboard


Share as Tableau Packaged Workbook
  • You are sharing the workbook and including all of the data in one file
  • File -> Export Packaged Workbook
  • You can now share the .twbx file
Export as a PowerPoint file
  • You are sharing a static snapshot of a dashboard
  • File -> Export as PowerPoint


Your questions

What questions do you have?

Class survey